In armonia con l’ambiente


Environmental, Social e Governance (ESG)

MEC-NOVA has developed a business model that places the environment, human resources, energy and technological innovation at its core. Every day, it is committed to promoting a sustainable future because it cares about future generations.
Business decisions are based
on the concepts of sustainable production
and social responsibility
Environmental and energy sustainability
Commitment to the environment
Every activity at MEC-NOVA is managed using natural resources efficiently. In particular, minimizing environmental impacts related to energy and water consumption, waste production, and emissions into the atmosphere and soil.
Production is powered by a solar photovoltaic system, which helps reduce CO2 emissions into the environment and faces global warming.

MEC-NOVA has obtained the ISO 14001:2015 environmental certification

Download ISO 14001 certificate

Social Responsibility and Governance
Commitment to People
At MEC-NOVA, workplaces are, first and foremost, places of well-being and individual growth. The development of human resources is the key to success because, at MEC-NOVA, the skills of individual operators—highly specialized—make the difference. Worker safety is at the center of the management’s focus: all processes are handled with the utmost care, in compliance with the UNI EN 45001:2015 standard.
For years, MEC-NOVA has been investing in continuous training and has adopted a Corporate Welfare Plan, aimed at all operators, designed to offer recreational services and health protection. Governance is certified by the adoption of Model 231/2001, with a specific Code of Ethics and a Whistleblowing platform

Download ISO 45001 certificate

Download Code of Ethics
